v. 1. Stabilization of atoms in a strong laser field / M.V. Fedorov -- Creation of novel quasi-bound states in high-frequency intense laser fields / K. Someda, T. Yasuike -- Multielectron effects of diatomic molecules in strong laser fields / C. Guo -- Strong-field correlation imaging / W.T. Hill ... [et al.] -- First-principle density-functional approach for many-electron dynamics under intense laser fields / K. Yabana, T. Otobe, J.-I. Iwata -- Plasma physics in the strong coupling regime : intense VUV laser-cluster interaction / L. Ramunno ... [et al.] -- Resonance- and chaos-assisted tunneling / P. Schlagheck, C. Eltschka, D. Ullmo -- Effects of carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle pulses on high-order harmonic generation / M. Nisoli ... [et al.] -- Short-pulse laser-produced plasmas / J.-C. Gauthier -- Ultraintense electromagnetic radiation in plasmas / M. Lontano, M. Passoni -- Unusual optical properties of the dense nonequilibrium plasma / G. Ferrante, M. Zarcone, S.A. Uryupin -- Radiative recombination in a strong laser field / S. Bivona ... [et al.] -- Femtosecond filamentation in air / A. Couairon, A. Mysyrowicz -- Pulse self-compression in the nonlinear propagation on intense femtosecond laser pulse in normally dispersive solids / R. Li ... [et al.] -- Ultraintense tabletop laser system and plasma applications / S. Martellucci, M. Francucci, P. Cuiffa -- Induction of permanent structure in transparent materials / Y. Shimotsuma ... [et al.].