: ,Published for the American Folklore Society by the University of Texas Press
, [1972].
xv, 181 p
.26 cm.
(Publications of the American Folklore Society.Bibliographical and special series
; v. 23)
Language: انگلیسی
Toward a definition of folklore in context, by D. Ben-Amos.--Personal power and social restraint in the definition of folklore, by R. D. Abrahams.--Differential identity and the social base of folklore, by R. Bauman.--The contribution of folklore to sociolinguistic research, by D. Hymes.--Theory and practice of riddle analysis, by E. K. Maranda.--On the application of the concepts of active and inactive traditions to the study of repertory, by K. S. Goldstein.--The structure of esthetic response, by R. J. Smith.--The expressive profile, by B. Sutton-Smith.--Folk ideas as units of world view, by A. Dundes.--Serial order in Nez Perce myths, by B. Stross.--On the translation of style in oral narrative, by D. Tedlock.--Concerning the "historical" and the "local" legend and their relatives, by H. Jason.--Chamula genres of verbal behavior, by G. H. Gossen.
Folklore- Addresses, essays, lectures
Communication in folklore- Addresses, essays, lectures