The facts about drugs: The drug scene. The stimulants and sedatives. The hallucinogens. The opiates. The drug peddlers. What laws can and cannot do.--What young people say: How a high school senior sees drugs. Drugs on a college campus. A student smoker speaks out. A young woman tells her story.--What the experts say: A judge's view of marihuana, by G. J. Tauro. Speed: the risk you run, S. Cohen. A psychiatrist looks at LSD, by D. X. Freedman. Youth and family, by A. Mandelbaum. Youth and drugs, by C. Chamberlin. If your child takes drugs, by R. H. Blum. Drug use and student values, by K. Keniston. Drugs: do they produce open or closed minds? By D. L. Farnsworth