Challenging welfare issues in the global countryside
Malden, MA ; Oxford
Blackwell Pub.
xvi, 166 p. : ill.
Broadening perspectives on social policy
"First published as Volume 40, No. 6 of Social Policy and Administration."
Includes bibliographical references and index
edited by George Giacinto Giarchi
Redefining the 'rural question' : the new 'politics of the rural' and social policy / Michael Woods -- Rural movements in Europe : Scandinavia and the accession states / Vanessa Halhead -- Market-based governance and the challenge for rural governments : US trends / Mildred E. Warner -- Between decentralized planning and neo-liberalism : challenges for the survival of the indigenous people of Kerala, India / Darley Jose Kjosavik and Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam -- Child health in rural Mexico : has progress reduced children's morbidity risks? -- Maria C. Huerta -- Rurality and social inclusion : a case of preschool education / Mark Shucksmith, Janet Shucksmith and Joyce Watt -- Jobs in the bush : global industries and inclusive rural development / Robyn Eversole and John Martin -- Older people 'on the edge' in the countrysides of Europe / George Giacinto Giarchi -- Spinning the rural agenda : the countryside alliance, fox hunting and social policy / Alison Anderson