Machine generated contents note: Part I. Introduction: 1. Basic concepts; 2. Overview; Part II. A First Course: 3. Classical phase transitions; 4. The renormalization group; 5. The quantum Ising model; 6. The quantum rotor model; 7. Correlations, susceptibilities, and the quantum critical point; 8. Broken symmetries; 9. Boson Hubbard model; Part III. Non-zero Temperatures: 01. The Ising chain in a transverse field; 11. Quantum rotor models: large-N limit; 21. The d = 1, O)N 3( rotor models; 31. The d = 2, O)N 3( rotor models; 41. Physics close to and above the upper-critical dimension; 51. Transport in d = 2; Part IV. Other Models: 61. Dilute Fermi and Bose gases; 71. Phase transitions of Dirac fermions; 81. Fermi liquids, and their phase transitions; 91. Heisenberg spins: ferromagnets and antiferromagnets; 02. Spin chains: bosonization; 12. Magnetic ordering transitions of disordered systems; 22. Quantum spin glasses; References; Index