Vibrational spectroscopic imaging for biomedical applications
New York
359 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index
]edited by[ Gokulakrishnan Srinivasan
)Publisher-supplied data( 1.Towards Automated Breast Histopathology Using Mid-IR Spectroscopic Imaging F. Nell Pounder and R. Bhargava. 2.Biological Kinetics under the Microscope - Pathological Mineralization, IRENI and in vivo capabilities. Michael Nasse, Eric Mattson, Claudia Gohr, Ann Rosenthal, Simona Ratti, Mario Giordano, and Carol Hirschmugl. 3. Preparation of Tissues and Cells for Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy and Imaging Ehsan Gazi and Peter Gardner. 4. Evanescent Wave Imaging Heather Gulley-Stahl, Andrew P. Evan, and Andre' J. Sommer. 5. sFTIR, Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic Imaging of Fungal Cells Kathleen M. Gough and Susan G.W. Kaminskyj. 6. Widefield Raman imaging of cells and tissues Shona Stewart, Janice Panza, Amy Drauch. 7.Resonance Raman Imaging and Quantification of Carotenoid Antioxidants in the Human Retina and Skin Mohsen Sharifzadeh, Igor V. Ermakov, Paul S. Bernstein, Werner Gellermann. 8. Raman microscopy for biomedical applications: towards an efficient diagnosis of tissues, cells and bacteria Christoph Krafft, Ute Neugebauer, Jurgen Popp. 9.The current state of Raman imaging for biomedical applications and the limitations in clinical application. Mariya Sholkina, Gerwin J. Puppels and Tom C. Bakker Schut. 01.Vibrational spectroscopic imaging of microscopic stress patterns in biomedical materials Giuseppe Pezzotti. 11.Tissue imaging with coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy Eric O. Potma