March's advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and structure
Hoboken, N.J.
xx, 2357 p. : ill
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Michael B. Smith, Jerry March
Localized chemical bonding -- Delocalized chemical bonding -- Bonding weaker than covalent -- Stereochemistry -- Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, and nitrenes -- Mechanisms and methods of determining them -- Irradiation processes in organic chemistry -- Acids and bases -- Effects of structure and medium on reactivity -- Aliphatic substitution: nucleophilic and organometallic -- Aromatic substitution: electrophilic -- Aliphatic, alkenyl, and alkenyl substitution, electrophilic and organometallic -- Aromatic substitution, nucleophilic and organometallic -- Substitution reactions: free radicals -- Addition to carbon-carbon multiple bonds -- Addition to carbon-hetero multiple bonds -- Eliminations -- Rearrangements -- Oxidations and reductions -- Appendix A. The literature of organic chemistry -- Appendix B. Classification of reactions by type of compounds synthesized