edited by Kenneth B. Kahn; associate editors, George Castellion, Abbie Griffin
New products--what separates the winners from the losers and what drives success / Robert G. Cooper -- A new product's development strategy: formulation and implementation / George Castellion -- New-product portfolio planning and management / Marvin L. Patterson -- Implementing product development / Paul O'Connor -- Process ownership / Dr. W.M. Watson -- The fuzzy front end for incremental, platform, and breakthrough products / Peter A. Koen -- Service development / Thomas D. Kuczmarski and Zachary T. Johnston -- Innovation in large companies: approaches and organizational architecture / Peter A. Koen -- Managing product development project teams / Hans J. Thamhain -- Influence and politics in product development / Stephen K. Markham and Patricia J. Holahan -- Distributed new product development )DNPD( / Stefan Heck and TJ Grewal -- Accelerated product development / Preston G. Smith -- Market analysis and segmentation for new products / Douglas G. Boike, Ben Bonifant, and Tony Siesfeld -- Obtaining customer needs for product development / Abbie Griffin -- Contextual research for new product development / Chris V. Conley -- Interacting with customers in the new product development process / Ian Alam -- Getting lightning to strike / Christopher W. Miller -- Quantitative market research / Brian D. Ottum -- Extracting value from your patent portfolio / Laura A. Schoppe and Nancy Pekar -- Technology management / Greg Evans and Patrice Gausselin -- Gate decisions / Jeffrey B. Schmidt -- Winning product review approval / Bob Lonadier -- Approaches to new product forecasting / Kenneth B. Kahn -- Enhancing new product development success through industrial design strategy / Robert W. Veryzer -- Building a bridge to the end-user / Joseph Juratovac -- Human factors engineering considerations in new product development / Mary Hoffman Pancake -- Design becomes reality-rapid prototyping / Raymond Sander -- Risk tools for technical development / Steven R. Nelson and Fritz Eubanks -- Using an effective metrics program to support business objectives / Amy Chan -- Managing new product and service launch / Sue Nagle -- Managing the supply chain implications of launch / Roger J. Calantone, C. Anthony Di Benedetto, and Theodore P. Stank -- Market testing and postlaunch evaluation for consumer goods / David W. Olson -- Overview and context for life cycle management / Bill Ausura, Bob Gill, Steven Haines -- Product obsolescence and discontinuation / Elizabeth Jackson -- Lessons learned from outstanding corporate innovators / Douglas Boike et al. -- First results from the 3002 comparative performance assessment study )CPAS( / Marjorie Adams-Bigelow
Handbooks, manuals, etc ، New products - United States - Management
Handbooks, manuals, etc ، Product management - United States