Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences ; v. 1-<6, 61, 93, 66 >
Translation of: Dinamicheskie sistemy, issued as part of the series: Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Seriia Sovremennye problemy matematiki
Includes bibliographies and indexes
D.V. Anosov, V.I. Arnold )eds(
1. Ordinary differential equations and smooth dynamical systems / D.V. Anosov, V.I. Arnold -- 2. Ergodic theory with applications to dynamical systems and statistical mechanics / Ya. G. Sinai )ed.( -- 3. ]pt. 1.[ ]Without special title[ -- 3. ]pt. 2[ Mathematical aspects of classical and celestial mechanics / V.I. Arnold )ed.( 2nd ed., 3991 -- 4. Symplectic geometry and its applications / V.I. Arnold, S.P. Novikov )eds.( -- 5. Bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory / V.I. Arnold )ed.( -- 6. Singularity theory I / V.I. Arnold )ed.( -- 7. Integrable systems, nonholonomic dynamical systems / V.I. Arnold, S.P. Novikov )eds.(. -- 8. Singularity theory II / V.I. Arnold )ed.( b-- 9. Dynamical systems with hyperbolic behaviour / D.V. Anosov )ed.(