Assessing the online learner : resources and strategies for faculty
San Francisco
xviii, 153 p. : ill.
Jossey-Bass guides to online teaching and learning
Includes bibliographical references )p. 143-147( and index
Rena Palloff, Keith Pratt
Assessment basics -- 1: How do we know they know? -- Developing standards of assessment -- Getting down to the basics -- Learner-focused teaching -- Applying what we have learned -- 2: Assessment online -- Principles of effective online assessment -- Assessment and the online learner -- Using the online environment for assessment advantage -- Plagiarism and cheating -- Applying what we have learned -- 3: Course and program evaluation -- Course evaluation -- Instructor evaluation -- Program evaluation -- Competency assessment as course and program evaluation -- Applying what we have learned -- II: The assessment and evaluation toolkit -- Introduction to the assessment and evaluation toolkit -- Rubrics and rubric development -- Using student feedback for assessment -- How interactive is it? -- Authentic assessments -- Performance assessments -- Effective test and quiz development -- Portfolios -- Portfolios as assessment -- Reflective assessment and self-assessment -- Collaborative use of wikis and blogs in assessment -- Effective online course evaluation -- Effective faculty evaluation