General editor: Erik Rیdinger )up til 1989(; Finn Aaserud )1989- (
Vol. 10 has imprint: Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier
Vol. 1, <3-5 >: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada: American Elsevier Pub. Co., New York, N.Y.; v. 6-<8 >: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada: Elsevier Science Pub. Co., New York, N.Y
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
General editor: L. Rosenfeld
v. 1. Early work )5091-1191(, edited by J. Rud Nielsen. --v. 3. The correspondence principle )8191-3291(, edited by J. Rud Nielsen.--v. 4. The periodic system )0291-3291(.--v. 5. The emergence of quantum mechanics )mainly 4291-6291(, edited by Klaus Stolzenburg.--v. 6. Foundations of quantum physics I )6291-2391(, edited by Jوrgen Kalckar.--v. 7. Foundations of quantum physics II )3391-8591(, edited by Jوrgen Kalckar.--v. 8. The penetration of charged particles through matter )2191-4591(, edited by Jens Thorsen. --v. 01. Complementarity beyond physics )8291-2691(, edited by David Favrholdt