Un estudio de dieta y comensalidad en Cerro de Oro
Fernandini Parodi, Francesca Giulietta
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru - CENTRUM Catolica (Peru)
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru - CENTRUM Catolica (Peru)
This research addresses the issues of food, diet, and commensality at the archaeological site of Cerro de Oro. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out to answer three central questions that articulate this research. The first is, what did the people eat at Cerro de Oro. To answer this question, zooarchaeological, malacological, paleobotanical and micro-analysis analyzes have been carried out. The second question is, how was the diet in Cerro de Oro, and for this, we have performed carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Finally, to answer the question of how was the food cooked at Cerro de Oro, we have studied food cooking structures. All this information helps us to better understand the daily practices and communal commensality that are articulated around the procurement, cooking, and consumption of resources. The study of the communities of practice, which are generated around these activities, helps us to define the identities that shape the heterogeneous society that inhabited Cerro de Oro.