A Program to Integrate Religion, Spirituality, and Psychological Support within the African American Community
Garner, Clifton D., Sr.
Donovan, Amy L.
Capella University
Capella University
This program has been developed to address gaps in African American religious culture and psychological programing to develop an informed approach to meet the psychosocial and emotional needs of the religious population that make up the Black church. The Black church has served the African American community as a salve for nearly any personal, professional, psychological concern, but concurrently circumvents any access to professional psychological support. This adult training program has been designed for African Americans ages 18 and up. However, the fundamental principles of the program can be employed in any cultural environment where Spiritual and Religious Based Practices (SRBPs) are the preferred choice for managing symptoms of stress and anxiety. The program design will consist of six 90-minute session modules that will extend over six weeks. Each iteration of the program is expected to be conducted within the confines of the community church within the African American community. Eligible participants are self-identified adults sponsored by the clerical leadership of the church or a trusted agent of the church as likely beneficiaries of a structured program to assist in anxiety management and reduction training. Those that attend and complete the program initiative are expected to experience several behavioral outcomes. Possible outcomes include improved socioemotional self-awareness, understanding of potential effects of unmitigated stress on the body, effective mechanisms of self-care, decreased experiencing depressive symptoms from unmanaged anxiety, and knowledge of professional community support while anchoring new information to fundamental SRBPs.