Prayer as a Predictor for Burnout Among Psychiatric Nursing Assistants
Rose, James, II
Glidewell, Reba
Walden University
Walden University
The psychiatric nursing assistants who care for psychiatric patients in inpatient hospitals, like others who work in the human service field, experience some degree of burnout during their careers. This research used Pargament's theory of religious coping to examine prayer as a predictor variable for a decrease in burnout experienced by psychiatric nursing assistants. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey and the Prayer Functions Scale were used to examine the predictor variables of prayer, gender, and years of service in correlation to the 3 dimensions of burnout. An N = 97 was obtained from the psychiatric nursing assistant population from a designated state psychiatric hospital. The data collected were processed through simultaneous multiple linear regression analysis in order to determine if correlates for burnout among the predictor variables existed. The results of this research suggested that prayer, gender, and years of service are predictor variables for the 3 dimensions of burnout. This study can aid in finding better adaptive coping skills among the psychiatric nursing assistants population, which could reduce burnout and negative effects associated with it.