Reducing the complexity of rational cubics for designing the objects
A. Sayeed
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
Computer Graphics mainly deals with the pictorial representation of objects on computer. Now-a-days graphical user interfaces are widely used on many operating systems. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI's) provide a natural way of interaction with the computers. Splines are used for generating curves and surfaces. For smooth generation of curves and surfaces spline subdivisions are done. Subdivisions are useful for displaying approximation spline curves, until the control graph approximates the curve path. Control point coordinates then can be plotted as curve position. Spline subdivision/conversion can be easily applied for other spline representation. Interactive curve design is typically accomplished through the manipulation of control polygon. To achieve, the desired shape of a curve or surface, spline subdivision is applied. This research is oriented towards the conversion of rational cubic B-splines into rational quadratic B-splines. The process of conversion (rescue realization) is taken from Pratt. The rational cubic curve segment is divided into two halves, with two different conics (rational quadratics) representing each curve segment. This division into rational quadratics provides an economical alternative to the rational cubics. Shape parameter are associated with each interval to tighten the rational splines on intervals and/or at the control points. The process of conversion resulted in a C shape preserving scheme for quadratic B-splines.