The development of the Beth Israel Adherence Scale
C. M. Santangelo
Adelphi University, The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies
Adelphi University, The Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies
Ensuring that a therapeutic treatment is being administered as designed is an important issue in psychotherapy outcome studies. Adherence measures which assess the degree and frequency with which the therapist intervenes in specific ways represent one way of operationalizing fidelity to a psychotherapy protocol. Although the literature reflects that common factors in therapy play a significant role in positive outcome, the value of refining the measurement of discrete approaches is important given the differential utility of specific theoretically-driven techniques for particular populations. The development of the Beth Israel Adherence Scale, a 52-item, observer-rated, Likert-type scale, is part of an NIMH-funded study at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City which aims to assess the efficacy of three treatments: cognitive-behavioral, brief-dynamic and interpersonal-experiential, for patients prone to ruptures in the therapeutic alliance. The scale is comprised of three subscales which reflect these three treatment modalities. A rating manual was also developed. Ninety, five minute segments, thirty from each modality, were randomly selected from the beginning, middle and end of sessions. In this paper, psychometric properties of the scale, specifically interrater reliability, internal consistency and discriminant validity, were tested. A moderate degree of reliability was established for the scale overall. Internal consistency for each subscale was quite strong. The treatments were found to discriminate with all probabilities usd\le .001.usd Future efforts might focus on methodological improvements and the development of a competence measure.