Built-in self test logic for a histogrammer memory chip
A. A. Hamzah
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
Memories, being an important part of most digital systems, should be properly tested. The testing time of these memories is a major concern since its cost constitutes a large percentage of the total cost. Histogrammer memory chips (HRAMs) are commonly used in digital image processing and also widely used for on-line sorting of data in nuclear physics experiments and in medical imaging systems. This research investigates the testability problem of a histogrammer memory chip (HRAM) being designed at KFUPM. A general fault model for the HRAM is adopted and new design for testability features are identified. Efficient O() test procedures for both the memory array and decoders of the KRAM are described (n is the number of memory cells). The testability features area overhead is only O(log n) as compared to O() for previous approaches. Random Built-In Self Test (BIST) implementation of the array and decoder test algorithms is described in detail.