Economic analysis of child mortality rates by provinces of Turkey, 1963-1982
F. Dingil
L. W. Lee
Wayne State University
Wayne State University
This study examines the socioeconomic determinants of the child mortality rates, the life table probabilities of dying before reaching age two, three, and five, q{\rm x}, in the provinces of Turkey between 1962 and 1982. The study explores relationship between the dependent variables, q{\rm x}, and the independent variables representing (1) the level of economic development, as measured by per capita real domestic product and the proportion of the population in urban areas, (2) the degree of the satisfaction of basic needs of the poor, measured by the literate proportion of population and the proportion of the literate population, and (3) the level of the status of females, measured by the literate proportion of the female population and the proportion of the female population living urban areas. The usd\rm q\sb{x}usd values are estimated by the Brass-Trussell method, and the East model of the Coale-Demeny regional model life tables is used. The data are collected from the Turkish population censuses for 1970, 1975, 1980, and 1985 and the statistical yearbook of Turkey, 1963-1985. The spatial and temporal variations in the q(x) at each province level are associated with the differentials in the independent variables. The provinces are divided into four groups according to level of income as follows: (a) richest, (b) rich, (c) poor, and (d) poorest. I propose three general hypotheses that can be expressed into one as follows: there is a negative relationship between qx and explanatory variables representing the level of economic development, the degree of the satisfaction of the basic needs of the poor, and the status of the females. Bivariate and multivariate analysis is done with pooling time series and cross section data. I find that the independent variables significantly affect qx among the province of Turkey, and the variable, the literate proportion of the female population, representing the status of females has the greatest impact on the variations in q{\rm x}.