Chronoamperometric evaluation of several organic corrosion inhibitors by the measurement of the hydrogen permeation flux
Y. T. Al-Janabi
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
An electrochemical hydrogen permeation measurement system was designed, constructed and successfully used. The good agreement between the values of the diffusion coefficients for the hydrogen atoms in steel obtained by us and those obtained by other workers established the reliability of our system. A characteristic hump was observed in several hydrogen permeation curves. We propose that this hump is due to the trapping of hydrogen at sites other than voids and microvoids. This electrochemical system was adapted to study the effectiveness of diethanolamine (DEA), morpholine (MOR), triethanolamine (TEA), ethylenediamine (EDA), and hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) in inhibiting the entry of hydrogen atoms into steel. The diamines were found to be more effective than the monoamines, and a nonlinear relationship was observed between the increase of inhibition and the concentration of the amines studied. The inhibiting abilities of the monoamines were similar at the higher concentration limit (0.01M) and followed the trend TEA > MOR > DEA at the low concentration limit (5 usd\timesusd 10M). For the diamines the inhibiting abilities were also similar at their high concentration limit (5 usd\timesusd 10M) and followed the trend HMDA > EDA at the low concentration limit (5 usd\timesusd 10M).