Correlates of job satisfaction among private sector employees in Saudi Arabia
A. M. Al-Helelah
J. Petersen
Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University
The primary objectives of the present study were to explore the level of job satisfaction and commitment among private sector employees in Saudi Arabia, and to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and employees' commitment. Seven alternative hypotheses were tested against seven null hypotheses. Chi-square (x2) was the test statistic for all seven hypotheses. The critical value of chi-square was determined by the degrees of freedom (df) and an alpha level of.05. Three hypotheses were confirmed that related job satisfaction to employees' commitment, satisfaction with length of working hours, and satisfaction with opportunities for interaction with co-workers on the job. Hypotheses that were not supported related job satisfaction to income, education level, age, and marital status. The results in this study confirm that job satisfaction and commitment are positively related among private sector employees as predicted. In addition, the study demonstrated that employees in the private sector have a high level of satisfaction and commitment to their job and to the organization itself.