The effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction in teaching English as a Foreign Language in Saudi secondary school
S. O. Al-Juhani
University of Denver
University of Denver
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction in teaching English as a foreign language in Saudi secondary schools. The study employed three research instruments: (1) A student questionnaire was distributed among sixty experimental subjects, thirty in the experimental group and the other thirty in the control group. The questionnaire contained thirty items devised to identify attitudes towards learning English via CAI. (2) A teacher questionnaire was distributed to 60 teachers. The questionnaire was aimed toward finding out how teachers with CAI training differ from teachers without CAI experience in their attitude towards CAI. (3) An achievement test was administered to both experimental and control groups at the end of the program. The test presented to the experimental group was in the form of computer software while the control group test was on paper. The two groups studied the same materials and were tested at the same time. The experimental group was taught through computer and the control group through a conventional method of teaching. The course lasted for six weeks for both groups. The research used correlations and t-tests for statistical findings of the study. They are summarized in the following: (1) The five scales, Liking, Benefit, Effectiveness, Achievement and Fear, were highly correlated with each other ranging from a correlation of.79 to.81. (2) A comparison among the pre- and post-test groups with regard to the five scales reflected a higher significance in support of the experimental group. The level of significance for all scales was <.001 with degrees of freedom (df) = 29. (3) A comparison of the experimental group (post-CAI) and the control group questionnaire data and achievement test favored the experimental group. The t-value in this comparison was t = 3.19. (4) Teachers with previous CAI training showed higher positive attitudes toward learning English as a foreign language via computer instruction. Teachers with CAI earned a mean of 2.97, while the mean of non-experienced teachers was 2.47. (5) The comparison between the experimental and control groups with regard to their scores on the achievement test revealed a higher significance in favor of the experimental group with a significant t-value of 3.19.