Effects of Logo-based instruction on the learning of selected geometry concepts at the secondary school level
M. M. Yusuf
J. L. T. Bohren, Sardar A.
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
This study seeks to determine whether the middle school students taught the geometry concepts of points, rays, lines, and line segments with Logo Based Instruction (LBI) would score significantly higher, would have a more positive attitude towards learning geometry, learning Logo, learning through LBI, and would have a better conceptualization of points, rays, lines, and line segments than the students taught the same concepts by the teacher through lecture, and paper and pencil activities. The sample consisted of 67 seventh and eighth graders. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group (18 females and 17 males) and the control group (13 females and 19 males). Students in the experimental group were taught the basic turtle commands of Apple II Logo. They then were taught the concepts of points, rays, lines, and line segments through LBI, a set of tutorial modules written by the researcher in the Apple II Logo computer language. The control group was taught the same concepts using lecture, and paper and pencil activities. The regular classroom teacher taught both the experimental and control groups by following the treatment plans designed by the researcher. Achievement tests, Likert and Semantic Differential Scales, and interview sheets were developed and used to determine students' achievements, attitudes, and conceptualization of the four geometry concepts respectively. Most ANCOVA and usdtusd-tests were significant at 0.05 level in favor of the experimental group. Audio taped interviews of sixteen students (10 females and 6 males) from the experimental group and 16 students (6 females and 10 males) from the control group were analyzed. The results indicated that the students in the experimental group had a deeper conceptualization of the four geometry concepts after the LBI. The results also indicated that the students in the experimental group had significant increases in their van Hiele levels in comparison to the students in the control group.