Measurement of differential cross section of C(12)(d,p) reaction at E(d) = 160 to 300 keV
A. A. M. Al-Jalal
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia)
Absolute differential cross sections of C(d,p) reaction were measured at Ed = 200, 220, 250, 280 and 300 keV for reaction angles between 25 and 160 degrees in steps of 10 degrees. Also excitation functions for the same reaction were measured at 25, 35, 90 and 140 degrees for deuteron energies between 160 and 300 keV in steps of 10 keV. The cross sections were measured with 5% uncertainty. It was noticed that the excitation functions increase smoothly with the deuteron energy and the angular distribution peaked backward. One may conclude from these trends that the reaction proceeds through stripping channel of direct reaction mechanism. A scattering chamber was designed and fabricated as a part of this project. The chamber can be used also as a deuteron beam polarimeter.