Unpublished Pentateuchal manuscripts from Cave IV, Qumran 4QGenEx(a), 4QGen(b-h, j-k)
J. R. Davila
F. M. Cross
Harvard University
Harvard University
The purpose of this thesis is to present a preliminary edition of ten unpublished Pentateuchal manuscripts from Qumran Cave IV (4QGenEx 4QGen Each manuscript is treated in a separate chapter. Each chapter contains an analysis of the physical characteristics of the manuscript, its orthography, its script, and its paragraphing. Any corrections or uncorrected errors are noted. A transcription of the text of each scroll is given, with uncertain readings marked as such. After the transcriptions, notes on the material readings of the manuscript are presented, followed by text-critical notes on both preserved readings and readings reconstructed on the basis of the approximate length of damaged lines. The 4Q manuscript is collated against the Massoretic Text, the Samaritan Pentateuch, other Qumran manuscripts (where preserved and published, or available to the writer), the Septuagint, the Old Latin (where preserved), the Syriac Peshitta, the Targums Onkelos, Neophyti, Pseudo-Jonathan, the Fragment Targums (where preserved), and the Latin Vulgate. Other witnesses are noted occasionally. A final chapter analyzes the textual affiliations of each manuscript in order to determine its relationship to the textual families preserved in the Massoretic Text, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Septuagint, and other Qumran witnesses.