A Qualitative Study for Crisis Management Strategies Used by Small Business Leaders
Abdalbaqi, Ahmed Montasser Sayed
Dunfee, Charlene
Concordia University Chicago
Concordia University Chicago
The researcher in this qualitative single case study used the leadership crisis competencies model as the conceptual framework to explore two main research questions, which were as follows: RQ1: How do small business leaders in the retail industry develop crisis management strategies to sustain their business operations after facing an unexpected crisis? RQ2: Why do small business leaders in the retail industry consider these crisis management strategies effective in sustaining their business operations after facing an unexpected crisis? The specific business problem was that small business owners lack crisis management strategies to sustain business operations at times of unexpected crisis. The study included three data sources: one-on-one interviews, documents, and focus groups and took place in two different geographic locations: Cairo, Egypt, and the Midwestern United States through audio-recorded interviews. The purpose of this envisioned qualitative single case study was to explore the phenomenon of how small business leaders in the retail industry developed a crisis management strategy to sustain their business operations after facing an unexpected crisis. The study findings indicated that themes such as signal detection, prevention and preparation, containment and damages, business recovery, learning and reflection, and other themes including empathetic leadership, social media marketing, and positive reputation had allowed small business leaders in the retail industry to sustain their business operations after facing an unexpected crisis. This qualitative single case study might add value to the existing body of knowledge in the field of leadership by understanding the crisis management strategies that allowed small business leaders in the retail industry to sustain their business operations after facing an unexpected crisis.