What Kind of Support Do New Special Education Teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Need?
Almoneef, Abdulhakeem M.
Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University
The purpose of this research was to explore the challenges faced by new special education teachers of hearing impaired students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the support they identified that they would like to receive during the first years of their teaching experience. Exploring the concerns of special education teachers of hearing impaired students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an important step in determining how these concerns may be addressed in order to improve instruction for deaf and hearing impaired students. The identification of the challenges and desires of new special education teachers of deaf and hearing impaired students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was investigated using a qualitative, phenomenological research approach. Qualitative, phenomenological research allows a researcher to discover and understand in greater depth a specific phenomenon related to the life experience of an individual or a group of people (Creswell & Poth, 2018). Data collected by interviewing special education teachers of hearing impaired students obtain deeper information regarding their concepts, perspectives, and concerns on the challenges they have faced and the support they have been given during their teaching career. This will be compared with what the literature related to effective support for new teachers around the world. The findings from this study may provide important information that can be used for the collaborative development of support activities or induction programs by universities, school administration, and school leaders to support and develop special education teachers of deaf and hearing impaired students throughout Saudi Arabia. The literature indicates that with appropriate induction and support, the teachers will be less anxious in meeting the challenges of special education students which can ensure that they will provide deaf and hearing impaired students with the appropriate teaching and education service.