Classroom Accommodations for Student-Veterans Attending Community Colleges
Mc Quay, Terry Dionne
Swanson, Linda
Walden University
Walden University
Soldiers have returned from serving in Iraq and Afghanistan with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and have enrolled in post-secondary education in large numbers, especially at community colleges because of flexible course scheduling. The problem explored in this study was the need for 1 community college to have better information regarding classroom needs for student-veterans with PTSD or a TBI. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of both student-veterans with PTSD or a TBI and faculty concerning classroom accommodations for student-veterans at the study site. Knowles' theory of the adult learner served as the conceptual framework for this qualitative case study. Data collection consisted of individual interviews with student-veterans and faculty. Data analysis included coding, theme development, member checking, and triangulation. The results of this study revealed that not all student-veterans want or are aware of classroom accommodations. Student-veteran participants did express a need for a designated person on campus and available mentors. Student-veterans indicated that they benefit from PowerPoint presentations, video recordings, and lectures. Faculty participants indicated they are not aware of student-veterans if the students do not self-identify; faculty were eager to understand how to better serve this student population. Results of this study may lead to positive social change because, with faculty development, faculty will have a better understanding of student-veterans' classroom needs and can provide student-veterans with appropriate classroom accommodations.