Labor Transfer, Language Change, and "Re-Education" Camps
Kamp, Marianne
Indiana University
Indiana University
Since its occupation in 1949 by the Chinese Communist Party (Aka CCP), China's central government has carried out multiple ethnic policies in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (aka XUAR). Various policies aimed to assimilate Uyghur people, and attempted to make Uyghurs become a part of Zhonghua minzu or the mainstream Han Chinese society; however, Uyghurs showed their strong resistance in order to keep their distinct Uyghur identity, culture, and language. Uyghurs' discontent with local and Beijing policies has never stopped, and they have manifested their dissatisfaction in different forms. For example, area expert Gardner Bovingdon's research shows that since 1949, there have been ongoing protests and demonstrations against the government, as well as violent events and ethnic clashes between Uyghurs and Han Chinese in XUAR. The Chinese government is now claiming that no "terrorist" attacks happened since 2017 in the Uyghur region. This thesis focuses on these three CCP policies toward Uyghurs in XUAR: transferring Uyghur labor to inner China, targeting Uyghur language, and incarcerating Uyghurs in so-called "vocational schools" or "re-education camps."