Promoting Sustainable Desert Ecotourism Development in Saudi Arabia by Incorporating Design Guidelines for Families in Desert Environment
Alfadhli, Amirah
Zingoni, Milagros M. Z.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University
Ecotourism is defined as a traveling distance where tourist interact with environment and enjoy nature. It is a market segment in the tourism sector that can provide several benefits if managed properly. Although ecotourism can provide economic benefits for Saudi Arabia, there is not enough attention granted to ecotourism facilities and services in desert sites. The current study attempts to fill this gap by aiming to explore families' perceptions of environmental desert settings that support their ecotourism needs and to identify opportunities to develop services, expand activities areas, and infrastructures. Ultimately, this study addresses families' ecotourism needs for the promotion of sustainable desert ecotourism development that is inclusive to most Saudi tourists. This study uses qualitative research methods, including observations, surveys and interviews of families who have visited Saudi Arabian deserts between December 2019 and March 2020. The findings are analyzed and translated into a set of design guidelines for existing and for new sustainable ecotourist sites within Saudi Arabian desert environments. The implications of this study are two-fold: to (1) educate the design industry to take into account ecotourism visitors' perceptions of environmental settings and infrastructures needs without compromising its natural resources; and (2) highlight the value of sustainable ecotourism so that decision makers take an action to ensure stability of the growing market demand of desert tourism. This study concludes with a discussion of findings reached that can promote more sustainable ecotourism experiences at Saudi Arabian desert sites.