The Challenges of Ethical Behaviour in Realizing Positive Organizational Ethical Practice in Nigeria
Oti, Oluchi E.
Klobas, Jane
The University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)
The University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)
For organizations in developing economies with low business ethics ratings, unethical behaviour in the face of international demands for more ethical practices has become a grave concern for management. This research explored the stimulus and impediments of ethical behaviour and recommendations the Nigerian organization can take to become a more ethical practice. Research shows using visible ethical role models, could positively influence organizational ethical culture (Brown et al., 2005; Weaver, Trevino and Agle; 2005; Brown, 2007). An initial conceptual framework, drawn from literature show components of stimulus and impediments of ethical behaviour, ethics teams and their role is sustaining an ethical culture, climate and practice. The conceptual framework is drawn to reflect on connections of key themes from literature, which suggests that to build an ethical practice might lie in the foundations of employee ethical behaviour and organizational structures. Primary data were collected in the organization through semi-structured in-depth interviews and informal conversations using 40 volunteer participants and 10 focus group teams (FGT) in a total of 40 in-depth interviews and 14 Focus Group meetings. Data generated were analysed and displayed in a descriptive flow by accessing participants' viewpoints on ethical behaviour, organization ethical practice, their experience with it and comparing this with the conceptual framework. Data were processed using data condensation, data display and drawing and verifying conclusions. Role Model Ambassador (RMA) program was introduced as a guide to harness and sustain ethical role models and ethical leaders in the organization. Recommendations for the organization includes engaging an ethics office and ombudsman, review of whistleblowing policy, re-establishing the code of ethics, ethics audits, keeping ethics in the discourse through stories of growth and change, reviewing internal processes and ensuring internal and external stakeholders understand the code of ethics.