Connectional Ecclesiology in the Nigerian Baptist Convention:
Asita, Wisdom O.
An Analysis of Polity Changes Between 2001-2011
Morris, Mike
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
This dissertation investigates the origins and implementation of connectional ecclesiology during the leadership ofAdemola Ishola in the Nigerian Baptist Convention [NBC] and argues that contextual theology engendered a significant shift in NBC polity. The dissertation examined the contextual theological leaning of Ishola and proposes that misapplication of contextualization models in Christian leadership principles was responsible, at least in part, for the shift from congregational ecclesiology to connectional ecclesiology. Due to the critical position of Ishola in this research, his dissertation and other publications relevant to this research were examined alongside minutes and books of reports of the NBC from 2000-2014. The dissertation also examined other official documents of the NBC and writings of Ishola during his term as general secretary, namely, "Cooperative Programme and Global Evangelization" (2001) and "Restructuring and the Nigerian Baptist Convention: An Overview" (2006). These two documents were chosen because of their critical importance to lshola's understanding and administration of congregationalism and autonomy of local congregations, the frameworks on which Baptist ecclesiology and the Cooperative Program operate. The dissertation recognized and affirmed the necessity and indispensability of proper contextualization as key to effective gospel dissemination. It established that the core issue in contextualization is the relationship and tension between the biblical text and sociocultural context as demonstrated in various contextualization models. It emphasized that a plurality of contexts calls for careful exercise of theological discretion in the choice and application of any model of contextualization. NBC should avoid connectional ecclesiology because it is a deviation from congregational church polity. Furthermore, NBC leaders should follow the conventional planning process for corporate ownership and execution of visions.