Readout Transimpedance Amplifiers Monolithically Integrated with Quantum Dot Structures in a Production 22-nm FDSOI CMOS Technology
Gong, Ming-Jia Mecca
Voinigescu, Sorin P.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto (Canada)
This thesis investigates the design of spin qubit readout systems in a production 22-nm FDSOI CMOS technology for monolithically integrated quantum processors operated at temperatures above 4 K. At 300 K, the readout amplifier was measured to have a transimpedance gain of 108 dBΩ with 8 GHz of bandwidth, S22 output matching < -10 dB from 0 to 60 GHz and an input-referred noise current of < 1 pA/√Hz up to 8 GHz. Simulated results at 12 K showed a transimpedance gain of 112 dBΩ with 11 GHz of bandwidth, S22 < -7 dB from 0 to 40 GHz and a minimum input noise current of 188 fA/√Hz. When integrated with a p-type quantum dot structure, measurements at 300 K showed a peak S21 of 18.9 dB with 8 GHz of bandwidth and S22 < -10 dB up to 60 GHz, while dissipating < 4.5 mW of power.