The Case of Jewish Israeli Students under the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Shuffelton, Amy
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Chicago
This research will discuss the implications of war on the education of future Israeli generations. The framework, content and values of educating high school students prior to their army conscription will be thoroughly analyzed. I argue that the current education in Israel indoctrinates the Zionist narrative and hegemony as the only one, without acknowledging the history, narrative, or suffering of the Palestinians. The Israeli narrative legitimates the war against the Palestinians, and Israel's right to occupy Palestinians and their lands. On the one side, the implementation of the Israeli Zionist narrative as the only one and the De-legitimation of the Palestinian narrative deepens the conflict between the two nations, as it alienates the Israeli Jewish students from the Palestinian students, and fosters the discourse of animosity and war. On the other side, this sort of education guarantees the creation of future citizens that will be able to endure the circumstances of war and defend their country from its enemies. In the discussion part, I intend to examine whether these two contradictory sides can be reconciled, using theories from the field of philosophy of education. I intend to raise the question of whether it is possible to educate for peace under martial law; and whether there is a way for the government to create soldiers that desire peace and coexistence with their current enemies.