How Does Managing Disability Accommodation Affect Supervisors' Job Strain and Motivation?
Alam, Mohammad Shahin
Williams-Whitt, Kelly
University of Lethbridge (Canada)
University of Lethbridge (Canada)
In our study, we investigated how job demands of disability accommodation influence supervisors' job strain and motivation. We also investigated the factors that make disability accommodation complex. We collected data from 335 supervisors using an online survey questionnaire through Prolific Academic UK. We analyzed our data using a thematic approach in NVivo, and confirmatory factor analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and process macro model 4 in SPSS. We found that job demands of disability accommodation are positively associated with accommodation-related supervisors' job strain. Disability accommodation complexity is positively associated with accommodation-related job demands and job strain. However, job control, reward and social support are negatively associated with supervisors' job strain during disability accommodation. The study identifies several factors that contribute to increasing disability accommodation complexity, such as the extent of physical environmental changes needed, required social support and resources, and availability of position alternatives.