Developmental Changes of Knowledge of Mathematics for Teaching over Time through Professional Development
Alahmadi, Reham
Lederman, Norman
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Institute of Technology
In the past, the knowledge base for effective teaching was measured based on presage variables, methods of teaching, process-product research, competency-based teacher education, and professional decision-making. In addition, teachers' effectiveness has been measured indirectly using proxy measurement. For example, teachers were assessed based on their performance on certification exams, their course, mathematical courses taken, and various experiences. Furthermore, teachers were measured based on students' achievement tests, and using a pre-test and post-test model with limited knowledge of their development. This study aims to understand teacher mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), its development over time, and how professional development influences their professional knowledge. Twenty middle school teachers (sixth through eighth grade) participated in content-based (algebra) professional development (PD) in Saudi Arabia. The selection pool of teachers targeted in the study is eighth (sixth grade) mathematics teachers that represented a variety of years of experience and PD experience. The results of this study found that teachers positively developed their MKT through the professional development program. In particular, based on the results of the pre-test, teachers had a low level of MKT before they participated in the PD program. Teachers' developmental steps of their changes over time were captured during the PD via multiple interviews. These interviews revealed within-teacher themes, cross-teacher themes, and factors that impacted teachers' changes. Furthermore, a paired sample t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the means of pre-test and post-test.