Saudi Architects and Engineers' Perceptions of Implementing Sustainable Practices in Residential Projects
Alqmaize, Khalid Abdullah
Hindi, Riyadh
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis University
An international trend toward implementing sustainable development practices especially in residential projects. The importance of taking action toward saving natural resources and ecological environment for future generations were some reasons that Saudi Arabia and many other countries were supporting the united nations sustainable development 17 goals. Architects' and engineers are stakeholders and key factors participated in this development to achieve those goals at the construction filed. The main purpose of this study is to investigate Saudi architects and engineers' concern regarding their use of sustainable practices in residential building in Saudi Arabia. By analyzing to what extent are Saudi architects and engineers concerned independently. in addition, considering how do Saudi architects and engineers differ in their concerns regarding the implementation of sustainable practices in residential buildings. A substantial literature review has been conducted in order to establish a broad understanding of sustainability in theory, sustainable construction, sustainability measuring systems and sustainable construction practices. Saudi Arabia background has been given covering its population, location and regions. All 13 regions of Saudi Arabia have been covered at this study in addition to an overview of the sustainable practices in Saudi Arabia The study used stage of concern (SoC) which is one of the Concern Based Adoption Model (CBAM) three diagnostic dimensions-Stages of Concern (SoC), Levels of Use (LoU), and Innovation Configuration Map (IC) to conceptualize and measure change in innovation adopters. Saudi architects' and engineers' level of concern was based on the stage of concern questionnaires (SoCQ) which is the stage of concern (SoC) measuring tools. For that purpose, an online survey has been created using Qualtrics survey program and distributed throughout social-media and online applications. A group of 273 architects' and engineers' from all Saudi Arabia 13 regions was participated in this study. Participant could use their computers or smartphones to participate and submit their questionnaires. By interpreting the data collected from participants, the SoCQ determined the highest, the second highest and the lowest stages for all architects' and engineers' participants. It predicts participants attitude and feeling toward implementing sustainable practice in residential projects. The finding of the study indicated that the highest stages for Saudi architects and engineers were scored at the self-oriented concern and the lowest at the consequence stage. It is also, revealed that there was a gap between ideal sustainability in residential building and what is in reality, in Saudi Arabian residential buildings. The outcome recommendations of this study were in practices and in academic research. In practices by creating type of competition between Saudi architects and engineers trying to enhance them to gain more knowledge about sustainability practices and elevate residential building toward sustainable practices. Also, this study is recommending establishing sustainable building local measuring system which will provide more knowledge and competition between practitioners. Additionally, in the academic researches the study recommended to provide the construction field stakeholders and the public with the updated information and the new sustainable practices which can be implemented in residential projects.