The Higher Education Experiment at Education City:
Phan, Anh-Hao Thi
Cross-National Educational Transfer at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Qatar
Spreen, Carol Anne
New York University
New York University
This dissertation maps the landscape of the cross-national educational transfer of American higher education in the Arabian Gulf region, with a case study of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Doha, Qatar. It examines how and why Qatar has borrowed, and Georgetown has lent, the American model of higher education, specifically looking at the issues and challenges of the transfer and implementation of a liberal arts education at Education City. The research study presents efforts to resist, adapt and modify the borrowed model within the local context, as the process of implementation has progressed through stages of replication and adaptation to the current stage of synthesis, internalization and localization. While many scholars have considered the content of educational transfer with the emphasis on lending, this research study is intended to investigate the context of transfer, with the focus on borrowing. This approach ascribes agency to Qatar's policymakers and leaders, and shifts the focus of scholarly attention to the motivations and objectives that guide their partnerships with the American universities at Education City, as part of Qatar's national education reform initiative and Qatar National Vision 2030. Based upon ethnographic research conducted in Doha, Washington and New York, the findings underline contextual issues of numbers and gender, as well as the challenges of political and institutional/organizational leadership. The case study's findings also examine the relevance of a liberal arts education and its impact on student experience and outcomes in the Arabian context. Furthermore, this study attempts to situate Qatar's educational initiatives in the context of its greater objectives and interests at the international level. Finally, the study considers the broader implications for educational transfer of the American model of higher education in the Gulf region and beyond, in light of the exponential growth in the number of foreign branch campuses operating or opening worldwide.