Distribution, habitat use and ecology of Gould's turkey in Chihuahua, Mexico
A. Lafon-Terrazas
R. D. Pieper
New Mexico State University
155-155 p.
New Mexico State University
Detailed studies of the Gould's turkey (Meleagris gallopavo mexicana) in its original range in Mexico are lacking. I investigated the distribution, habitat use, diet and biology, and limiting factors of Gould's turkey in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. The study was conducted from March 1994 to March 1996. Turkey distribution reports (n = 672) were collected from forest management unit personnel, hunting club members, outfitters, cattlemen's associations and researchers. Distribution of Gould's turkeys in Mexico includes the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Nayarit, Jalisco, and Aguascalientes. Gould's turkeys were found in all the forest units in western Chihuahua. Habitat used by this subspecies is characterized by evergreen woodland and forest communities. Part of the land is used for agriculture, which has adversely impacted a large segment of the historical range of the subspecies. Measurements and weights from trapped and hunter-shot birds were taken. Adult gobblers average weight usd(8.5 \pm 2.3usd kg, (18.7 lb.) n = 34) was 2.2 kg (4.8 lb.) more than hens (n = 16). The sex difference was greater than that for other subspecies. Mean beard length averaged usd24.9\pm 3.7usd cm, and spurs averaged 1.5 cm. No major differences were found in plumage coloration. Turkey population density in study areas was from 1.7 to 2.8 turkeys per square kilometer. Nearly 50% of turkey feces were diagnosed with parasites. The gobbling season was from mid March to early June. Hens start nesting activity in June, and poult survival varied from 16.7 to 28% until poults were 4 weeks of age. Main food items include insects and six plant species Juniper, manzanita, panicum, blue grama, oak and fragrant sumac. Fifty-four Gould's turkeys were trapped and radio-equipped to conduct telemetry monitoring to obtain habitat use and behavior information. Habitat characterization and turkey locations showed no preference for Gould's turkey. Home range size averaged usd4,262\pm 1,772usd ha. Daily movements varied from 1.0 to 6.1 km. Limiting factors determined for Gould's turkey were weather, predation, human activities, parasitosis, poaching, habitat loss, educational and administration deficiency, water pollution and water depletion. Some of the recommendations were expanded research efforts, coordinated hunting season with gobbling and nesting periods, increased protection, restriction in land use changes, and environmental education in rural areas.