Evaluation of selected sources and channels of information used to improve farming practices among Iranian farmers
S. Gharib
Kansas State University
155-155 p.
Kansas State University
The primary purpose of this investigation was to identify the role and impact of selected sources/channels of information in the adoption of improved agricultural practices among Iranian farmers. The secondary purpose of this investigation was to identify extension teaching methods which were used in Iran to improve the efficiency of farming practices among rural farm people. The third purpose of this investigation was to identify the relationship between social, and economic characteristic of farmers and their adoption of improved agricultural practices. The location of the study was restricted to the Northeast part of the Iran which was quite far from the war zone (Southern Iran). Two villages were randomly selected among several villages which made for predetermined criteria in this restricted area. The sample for the study consisted of 90 full time farmers, 45 from Farkhnak (12 km north of the city of Nyshupor) and 45 from Numiry village (60 km southeast of the city of Nyshupor). An Interview questionnaire was designed, and administered to all 90 farmers. Three hypotheses stated in the null form served as the basis for analyzing the data. Hypothesis one was tested by checking the relationship between the adoption score and selected characteristics of farmers, using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of significance. Hypotheses two and three (HO2 and HO3) were tested by checking for significant differences between the responses frequencies, using the chi-square statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The following is concluded from the findings of the survey. (1) Hypothesis one was rejected. Significant positive relationships existed between the adoption score and variables of farmers' education and wife involvement in agriculture, and size of irrigated land. Negative correlations were found between the adoption of recommended practices and variables of distance from city and number of years in farming. In addition, there were no significant relationships found between the adoption score and the variables of farmers' age and the education of farmer's children. (2) Hypothesis two was retained. There were no significant differences found between Numiry and Farkhnak farmers in the influence of radio, family members and fellow farmers/friends in adoption of improved practices. The farmers had not been sufficiently exposed to either of these selected sources/channels of information in this study. (3) Hypothesis three was rejected. It was found that significant differences existed in the opinions of the two groups of farmers in the effectiveness of radio, farmers tours. The other selected extension teaching methods mentioned in this study were not analyzed, because of limitations of extension teaching methods in Iran.