A comparative study of two modern Muslim biographies of the Prophet
Rahnamaei, Seyed Ahmad
D. P. Little
McGill University (Canada)
118-118 p.
McGill University (Canada)
This thesis presents a comparative study of two modern Muslim biographers of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad Husayn Haykal and Sayyid Ja'far Murtada, the one a Sunni the other a Shii. In dealing with their works on the {\it s\i ra}, the intention is to focus on some aspects of the life of the Prophet of Islam from the time when he resided in Makka. After outlining the authors' scholarly backgrounds, sources, methods, and purposes, etc., the thesis deals with certain specific issues concerning the Prophet's birth, his nursing and the reason behind the custom of having foster-mothers, the controversial stories of the splitting of his chest and of his participation in the sacrilegious war, his state both before and after the announcement to him of his Mission, the authors' interpretations of his night journey and ascent to heaven and lastly their discussion about the Prophet and miracles. This research should not be considered as historical in nature; rather, it aims at clarifying the similarities and differences which may be discovered between our two biographers, and at comparing their respective Sunn\i\ and Shii approaches.