comparing the enforcement of food safety regulation in the UK and Germany
Rothstein, Henry Frederick ; Demeritt, David Burgess
King's College London
King's College London
This thesis investigates the implementation of food safety regulation within the UK and Germany. The aim of the research is to assess and explain the extent to which risk-based approaches that are manifest in EU General Food Law, have been applied in each country. Drawing on extensive documentary and interview material, the thesis charts the history of food safety regulation in the UK, Germany and the EU, focusing on food safety enforcement at both national and local levels. The thesis examines the factors shaping the way that ideas of risk have been operationalised within the enforcement of food safety regulation through three case studies. First, it uses the case study of food import controls to investigate the operationalisation of risk ideas at EU level, and in particular tensions between ideas of risk, hazard and safety. Second, the thesis examines how risk-based approaches to food safety enforcement are shaped by the concerns and interests of national and local authorities in Germany and the UK. Third, the thesis uses the case of food hygiene barometers to explore the key factors shaping and constraining the uptake of risk ideas in the UK and Germany. The thesis concludes that despite the universalising claims for risk-based approaches to regulation, the case of food safety regulation demonstrates the normative, political and economic drivers shaping the differential uptake and use of risk ideas in advanced EU member states, even when regulation has been harmonised under EU law. The thesis builds on that conclusion to reflect on the future of risk-based policymaking in the field of food safety as well as contributing to wider ongoing social scientific discussion about the role of risk ideas within different polities.