Postwar Soviet regional economic development policy in Pacific Siberia
Schiffer, Jonathan R
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
This study traces postwar Soviet regional economicdevelopment and policy in the East Siberian and Soviet FarEastern economic regions ('Pacific Siberia 1 ) from 1955-75(extended in some aspects to 1980). Following a generalliterature review of Western approaches to the study of Sovietregional development, the overall successes and constraints onregional development in the study areas are traced. After thissummary overview, three distinct areas of regional problems andpolicy become the focus for detailed investigation: the politicaleconomy of industrial location, debates on regional (industrial)specialisation in general and in the machine building sector inparticular, and an overview of the economic interrelationsbetween the study regions and the remainder of the Sovieteconomy. Conclusions are drawn in relation to the interaction ofthese three topics with the resultant pattern of regionaldevelopment.