Factors that contribute to the emotional wellbeing, educational success and social connectedness of those arriving in one local authority as unaccompanied asylum seeking children
Farmbrough, Joanna
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
Building on research with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people (UASC) from a resilience perspective, this study investigates the protective mechanisms that support UASC in adapting to life in the UK. 'Positive adaptation' is framed as: emotional wellbeing, educational success and social connectedness. Two strands of research are carried out: 1) focus groups that investigate views of key adults (foster carers and social care staff) working with UASC, in order to understand how they frame UASC's positive adaptation; the protective mechanisms they have experienced to promote emotional wellbeing; and approaches they have found successful in addressing mental health difficulties; and 2) individual interviews, using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analytical approach, with five UASC who were considered resilient. Interviews investigated how individual UASC felt that they had coped with their experiences. I relate findings to resilience frameworks that recognise a complex matrix of risk factors, vulnerability and protective mechanisms operating for each individual at the individual, the family and community/societal level. Findings provide a strong argument for a psycho-social approach to mental health with UASC, establishing stability, whilst building on personal coping strategies, personal strengths and sense of autonomy and competence. Implications for services and interventions are discussed.