a comparison of centralized and decentralized approaches
University of Manchester
University of Manchester
Poverty reduction' is often one of the pillars of stated policy goals of decentralizationprogrammes. Decentralization is frequently assumed to facilitate greater participation of poorpeople, which leads to greater accountability and responsiveness of the government and nonstateservice providers. The present study revisits these assumptions through a comparativeanalysis of poverty reduction programmes in Thailand, which have been designed andimplemented through varying degrees of centralization and decentralization.The study finds that the Low-Income Health Card (LIHC) scheme, which has beenimplemented through a traditional centralized bureaucracy and structure (representing the'livelihood protection' type of poverty reduction programme), succeeded in reaching the largestnumber of target beneficiaries, in particular the 'poorest' segment of the population, andreceived an almost universally favourable beneficiary assessment. On the other hand, severaldifferent types of community-based credit programmes (representing the 'livelihoodpromotion' type of poverty reduction programme), which have been implemented throughdifferent types of decentralized structures, rarely reached the 'poorest' people and presentedmixed results in the beneficiary assessment. Importantly, however, through the beneficiaryassessment of the credit programmes, it was found that people attached great value to all theassumed 'virtues' of decentralization, including participation, ownership, proximity andtransparency, which have been achieved through some decentralized programmes implementedin their villages.Several conclusions may be drawn based on the Thai case studies. First, it is necessary to useboth centralized and decentralized approaches to poverty reduction service delivery, since thesetwo different delivery mechanisms are appropriate for different types of poverty reductionprogrammes, which benefit various categories of poor people differently. Second, the distinctneeds of the 'poorest' segment of the population may be served better through centralizeddelivery of 'livelihood protection' services, when the central bureaucracy is reasonably capableof delivering services. Third, other groups of poor people may benefit from 'livelihoodpromotion' programmes, which may be delivered better through decentralized approaches.These approaches have greater potential to promote such necessary elements for programmesuccess as participation, ownership, and a sense of solidarity among the beneficiaries. However,for decentralized approaches to realize these intended 'virtues', the programme's design andimplementation -requires careful examination of local culture, organizational and politicalstructures, as well as the'capacity and experience of the decentralized bodies. One lesson foraid donors from the above may be the need to consider possible trade-offs between povertyreduction objectives and good governance objectives.