The cultural significance of the Fête de l'Être Suprême, June 1794
Smyth, Jonathan Brian
Royal Holloway, University of London
Royal Holloway, University of London
The Fete de l'Etre supreme, celebrated throughout France on the 20 PrairialYear II, (8th June 1794), has been the subject of detailed comment by historians sincethe Revolution, the overwhelming majority of whom have concentrated on the politicalimportance of the festival in the history of the Jacobin administration and in the careerof its instigator, Maximilien Robespierre.The intention of this thesis is to re-examine the cultural evidence for theproposition that the Fete was a major benchmark in the cultural development ofrevolutionary France by evaluating both its immediate cultural impact and itsimportance to the development of the culture of the later stages of the Revolution.After a brief overview of how historians viewed the events of 20 Prairial, thethesis will first consider why Robespierre might have felt it necessary to proclaim aquasi-religious system such as the Culte of the Supreme Being at this stage of theRevolution, secondly how the French people reacted to his proposal, and finally how thevarious elements of the Fete integrated with the culture of the period. It will thenexamine the celebrations not only in Paris but also in other cities, towns and villagesthroughout France, as well as investigating the financial problem for central, regional,and local government in having to meet the unforeseen extra expense of this event.After examining the reaction to the Fete throughout France as shown in the workof contemporary commentators, this thesis will attempt to prove that the Fete de l'Etresupreme of 20 Prairial Year II, marked the watershed between the exaggeratedsimplicity and utilitarianism of the early years of the Revolution and the extravagant,colourful and sensual culture of the Directoire and the Consulat.