studying diaspora-homeland websites for the maintenance of micro-connections
The University of Manchester
The University of Manchester
Revolutionary advances in transportation and novel communication serviceschallenge traditional notions of acculturation and integration of immigrants intoreceiving societies. In many cases, migrants' connections to the homeland can beexplained using psycho-social theories as well as political and economic incentivebasedframeworks. This process is facilitated by the plethora of communicationservices and technological devices that help migrants to keep up with close andintimate ties as well as keep abreast of occurrences in their homeland. Throughinterpersonal interactions, social networks seem to be fundamental to maintainingmigrants' awareness of events in their home communities. In addition, there is anemerging phenomenon of websites created with the aim of reconnecting migrants todaily life in their places of origin: heimat websites. This thesis presents a set ofstudies aimed at presenting the dynamics that characterise the use of heimat websites.Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques, a goodunderstanding was derived of the way heimat websites are used for the maintenanceof cross-border micro-connections.Due to the public, transnational nature of heimat websites, they allow migrants toengage in online behaviours that would otherwise not be possible. This investigationargues that heimat websites can be potentially used for civic participation andcollective action from abroad. Also, heimat websites seem to be used by somemigrants to reproduce their social status in their communities of origin through theonline display of images of modernism and material culture. Furthennore, heimatwebsites seem to be instrumental in administering the social reality of the communityto migrants as it unfolds. This investigation also unravels online processes used bymigrants to maintain their social identity through images of the homeland and localinfonnation. Simultaneously, heimat websites appear to work as a conduit throughwhich social remittances travel to the homeland in the fonn of images, ideas, andsocial practices. In this way, heimat websites are places where the sending andreceiving communities merge together to varying degrees. Finally, amongst thefindings, lurking on the website and experiencing homesickness are correlated.This thesis contributes to existing theory in diasporic websites by extending thecurrent classification of diaspora-homeland websites by presenting heimat websitesand their dynamics. Findings from this work can be used for the better design ofcommunication services for transnational communities. Likewise, implications fordesign can be derived to improve interaction on heimat websites. This set ofimplications could help to improve the way heimat websites are conceived in tennsof interactions, news reports, and organisation of infonnation.