how cities are using technological systems to transform and compete in a global knowledge based economy
Imperial College London
Imperial College London
Cities are exploiting information technology to transform themselves to compete in a global knowledgebased, service led economy. The history of large technical systems (LTS) deployments explains theimpact of telegraph, telephony, electrical networks and other technologies on cities in the 19* and early20' century and how some fared better than others in terms of the socio-economic outcomes.In this thesis I examine how the LTS model applies to digital infrastructure including broadband,municipal wireless and related services - how are cities in the 21" century using or planning to usethese technologies; what are their motivations and expectation; what has been the contribution to date,and what are the factors affecting the outcomes?The LTS model provided a useful framework as it focuses on the technical system within a largersocio-economic and political context. My research focuses on the city as the unit of analysis whereasthe LTS model focuses on the technical system, although Hughes's model contextualises LTS for thecity (Hughes, 1983). My research seeks to extend the LTS model by proposing an increased role fororganisations versus individual agency. It shows how those organisations form into actor networks thatinteract and influence the outcome of the system at the level of the city. Finally, I propose the ComplexCity System (CCS) framework as an extension to the LTS model. The CCS framework integrates therole of these actor networks, as well the socio-economic, technical and spatial factors at work within acity, and shows how these both shape the technical system and its socio-economic contribution.