This thesis explores British film culture in the 1970s through an examination of specific filmtexts and a range of social, cultural, industrial and institutional contexts. The study adopts aninterdisciplinary approach and draws on the methods and practices of both cultural historiansand scholars of film. Rigorous archival and historical research is thus combined with closetextual analysis of visual sources to explore the relationships between film culture, its socialand economic context and wider period concerns. My work is revisionist and source-basedand actively challenges much of the received wisdom about the period.Using archival sources, my thesis develops a set of contexts in which to examine the fortunesof the British film industry throughout the decade. In addition, it surveys technological andinstitutional changes which impact upon the development of visual style. Examining the filmindustry in this way enables a map of production, distribution and exhibition to be drawn. Itallows for changes and new trends to be acknowledged and scrutinised. I pay particularattention to new interventions in the industry from diverse fields and changes to establishedinstitutional practices in respect, for example, of cinema's relationship to television.The thesis then examines how successive governments attempted to support or discipline thefilm industry, what policy initiatives and legislation were created for these purposes and thediffering approaches to the industry from Labour and Conservative administrations. Myexamination of film censorship within the thesis demonstrates how social controls also playedan important role in mediating film culture and how the British Board of Film Censorsadapted to changes in popular taste and levels of permission. I show how the BFFC followeda broadly unchanged liberal policy which relied upon pragmatism rather than a formalisedapproach which often came into conflict with pressure groups and the political Right.Presenting this range of contexts situates my discussion of the film culture of the periodwithin the broad socio-political climate, and suggests the importance to the industry ofexternal and internal factors in determining film production during the 1970s.The second half of my thesis then presents six case studies of 1970s British films selected forthe richness and diversity of their archival material. These case studies are neither typical norrepresentative but rather are used to explore issues raised by the first half of the thesis, suchas methods of production and finance, marketing and distribution and the importance ofpopular taste. Particular attention is also given to their visual style as well as to issues ofauthorship, stardom, and popularity. The thesis then relates these chosen films to the widerfilm culture and examines the cultural tasks they perform and their ideological functions.Specific attention here is paid to the importance of creative agency and it addresses morespeculative ideas of manner, performance and visual style in the 1970s.The examination of selected film texts raises questions about the way in which cinemaengages selectively with contemporary concerns. It also considers the cinema's omissionsand evasions, and examines its distinctive modes of address in this period. My workdemonstrates the unpredictable relationship between capital and culture in 1970s Britishcinema and draws upon modem methodologies of film history.