Trends in business organisations in Great Britain since 1856, with special reference to the financial structure of companies, the mechanism of investment and the relations between the shareholder and the company
Jefferys, J. B.
University of London
University of London
This thesis is concerned with the changes in themethods of organisation of business units In Great Britainin the period 1856 to 1914. By the term "methods oforganisation of business units" we mean the methods by whichthe entrepreneur raised capital for the undertaking and themethods of control and direction of the unit that wereadopted, We are not directly concerned with the size ofthe unit or the recruitment of labour power.The most conspicuous form of business organization thatwan developed in this period was that of the limited liabilitycompany, and it is with the introduction of this form ofbusiness organisation, its use, and the changes that tookplace in its form and character that we have to deal.