The Politics of Emergency Criminal Justice in Colombia (1984-2006)
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
The continuousu seo f emergencym easuresb y Colombiang overnmentsi n the lastdecadesa, long with a complex combination of generalizedv iolence and socialdislocation, has had a deep impact on the Colombian criminal justice system. Sucha political tendency to enforce exceptional mechanisms and institutions toinvestigate, prosecute and sentence what governments and an emotive publicopinion regard as dangerous criminals, has structured the Colombian emergencycrin-dnal justice -a punitive system characterized by the hardening of criminalprocedures and punishments, on the one hand, and the limitation of the humanrights and legalg uaranteeso f thosep rosecuted,o n the other.The aim. of this dissertation is, to borrow Foucaules (1979) expression, to make ahistory of the present of Colombian emergency criminal justice. That is, critically toexplain how it is currently structured and how it functions; how it came into beingand how it has been shaped by the social, economic, cultural, and politicaltransformations that late modernity has brought about. The normalization ofemergency penality, together with the rise of conservatism and neoliberalism in theColombian political and economic fields during the last three decades, have createda penal commonsentshea t encourages the hypertrophy of the penal state and thereduction of the social state. Thus, governments are mainly concerned withenhancing control mechanisms in order to provide security for markets andinvestment with the argument that only then can economic and social rightsflourish. The normalization of emergency penality is by no means peculiar to theColombian context, but is rather the manifestation, in rather extreme circumstancesof violence, inequality, and social exclusion, of a global trend which I callauthoritafian liberalism. that is, the intensive use of punishment to upholdneoliberalism.
Iturralde, Manuel A.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)